Friday, July 17, 2009

Final Day Thoughts

The House of Deputies adjourned at 5:00 p.m. today. During our 10 days together we considered the 419 resolutions that were submitted to us and completed work on 361 of them making us one of the most productive General Conventions in recent memory. Some of the resolutions we passed such as D025 are already a part of the vocabulary of the church. Others, such as canonical changes and resolutions of courtesy, may seem more mundane. Each, however, was important to somebody and each received careful consideration in committees and on the floor of both houses. As mentioned earlier, this was my first time serving on a committee and it was a fascinating experience. Our days began at 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. with committee meetings and included 4-6 hours on the floor of the House of Deputies, daily Eucharist, alternative Eucharist services in the evening, and ended with the Oregon deputation gathering for Compline each evening about 10:00. A most exhilarating and exhausting two weeks!

Amidst my packing tonight several things stand out – our Sunday morning Eucharist when history was made with the presence of three presiding bishops at the altar; the exhilarating feeling on Monday as we walked out of the House of Deputies after a long session to the news that the House of Bishops had passed D025 by the same convincing majority as we had; and the challenge and pain of passing a budget that charts a new way for our church in the months and years to come.

There is so much more to say about each one of these things. Oregon was well-represented and well-served at this convention. The deputies took our roles very seriously, our alternates filled in for us as needed and followed committee action and the House of Bishops when not serving on the floor. Together we made and witnessed history. Each of us has committed to write a short report on one aspect of convention and to be prepared to speak to congregations and convocations when invited. We look forward to sharing with you.

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